
world of amoeboid organisms

Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, 43 µm

Actinophrys sol Ehrenberg, 1830

Diagnosis: Body spherical with protoplasm highly vacuolated. Usually one contractile vacuole which rises and pushes out the surface as a rounded globule before bursting. Pseudopodia extending from all parts of the body, with axial filaments arising from the membrane of the single nucleus. Cyst brown, with several layers, with a mucus layer and a layer of irregular siliceous scales. Sexual reproduction by autogamy after encystment. “”Fressgemeinschaften”” not rare.

Dimensions: Main body 19-90 µm in diameter; nucleus 10-19.2 µm.

Ecology: fresh water, in several water types; common.

Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, stacked image the Netherlands, 2019
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, with fresh captured prey in vacuole.
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol with preyed diatom
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, with large prey (rotifer)
Actinophrys sol
This image shows how the axonemes start at the nucleus. One axoneme is arrowed.
Actinophrys sol
A. sol, Gaasterland, Netherlands, 2022
Actinophrys sol
A. sol, Gaasterland, Netherlands, 2022
Actinophrys sol
A. sol, Gaasterland, Netherlands, 2022
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, 50 µm
Actinophrys sol
Actinophrys sol, body 38 µm
Actinophrys sol
A. sol,, with many granules
Ferry Siemensma, created February 28, 2019; last modified September 26, 2022
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