Genus Ampullataria Decloitre, 1952
Diagnosis: Shell ampulla-shaped, covered with elliptical plates just as in Euglypha species. The plates cover each other partly. The main part of the test is ovoid with a straight tubular neck and a smooth apertural border. These neck has a different structure: the plates are irregularly shaped and do not overlap.
Ampullataria rotunda Decloitre, 1952
Diagnosis: Shell ampulla-shaped, covered with elliptical plates just as in Euglypha species. The plates cover each other partly. The main part of the test is ovoid with a straight tubular neck and a smooth apertural border. These neck has a different structure: the plates are irregularly shaped and do not overlap.
Dimensions: Length 110 µm; width 75 µm; neck 20 µm long; aperture 17 µm.
Habitat: Venezuela, 3800 m, in Sphagnum
References: Van Oye, P., 1952. Rhizopoda Venezuelas mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biogeographie. In: Ergebnisse der deutschen limnologischen Venezuela-Expedition, 1952, Band 1 Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin.