
world of amoeboid organisms

Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum, Vosges, France

Archerella flavum (Archer, 1877) Loeblich and Tappan, 1961

Diagnose: Test ovoid or elongated elliptical, with parallel sides, symmetrical, more or less compressed; composed of a transparent rigid organic membrane, without xenosomes; test brown or yellowish; two apertures at opposite poles; aperture elliptical; nucleus central; one to several contractile vacuoles; straight filopodia, sparsely branched, radiating. Zoochlorellae present.

Dimensions: Length 45-77 µm.

Ecology: in wet or submerged Sphagnum vegetation.

Remarks: Within a population the shape of the test can be very different, from elliptical to sigar-shaped. This genus is together with genus Amphitrema closely related to the Labyrinthulidae. It has been transferred to the Stramenopiles by Gomaa et al (2013).

Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum, Vosges, France
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum, pseudostome
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum
Archerella flavum, two different shapes. Arrow points to some filopodia
Ferry Siemensma, created February 28, 2019; last modified March 07, 2022
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