Family Vexilliferidae Page, 1987 Diagnosis: Amoebae with long, slender subpseudopodia (usually more than one) frequently giving
Family Vexilliferidae Page, 1987 Diagnosis: Amoebae with long, slender subpseudopodia (usually more than one) frequently giving
Genus Striolatus Schaeffer, 1926 Diagnosis: Locomotive amoeba up to 60 µm in length; contracted form around 35
Genus Boveella Sawyer, 1975 Diagnosis: Floating form of the cell body spherical, about 20 µm across. Radiating
Genus Pseudoparamoeba Page, 1979 Diagnosis: Locomotive form broad with an anterior hyaloplasmic region with a few, short,
Genus Neoparamoeba Page, 1987 Diagnosis: Locomotive form usually longer than broad, often between 10 to 25 µm
Dactylosphaerium polypodium, 56 µm broad Genus Dactylosphaerium Hertwig & Lesser, 1874 Diagnosis: Shape of locomotive form
Genus Subulamoeba Bovee, 1953 Diagnosis: Morphologically similar to Oscillosignum but with more pointed pseudopodia. Locomotive form normally
Genus Podostoma Claparède & Lachmann, 1858 Diagnosis: Locomotive form usually between 30 and 60 µm not including
Genus Triaenamoeba Bovee, 1953 Diagnosis: Locomotive form generally trapezoidal with long, slender anterior subpseudopodia usually in groups