Centramoebida Rogerson and Patterson 2002
Centramoebida is a group of amoebozoans with flattened trophic cells that display finely pointed subpseudopodia and a prominent lamellate microtubular organizing center (MTOC). This group also includes the amoebozoans “Protostelium” pyriformis, “Protostelium” arachisporum, and Stereomyxa ramosa. It is ecologically and due to its pathenogenic nature, also medically an important group.
Acanthopodida Page 1976
Flattened with prominent subpseudopodia, flexible and tapering to a fine tip and sometimes furcated near their base (acanthopodia); without adhesive uroid; trilaminate MTOC; some species in culture appear as a branched, flattened sheet; at least two taxa, Acanthamoeba and Luapeleamoeba, contain species with protosteloid sporocarpy.
Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia, Dracoamoeba, Luapeleamoeba, Protacanthamoeba, Vacuolamoeba.
Himatismenida Page, 1987
Dorsal surface covered with a flexible coat without defined aperture; ventral surface entirely or partly naked; can form ventral flattened sheet of hyaloplasm used for adhesion to the substratum; MTOC, when known, bar-like. Cochliopodium, Ovalopodium, Parvamoeba.
Pellitida Smirnov & Cavalier-Smith 2011, sensu Kang et al. 2017
Thick cell coat envelops the entire cell with the exception of subpseudopodial tips and is integrated with plasma membrane, or is located on the dorsal surface only, and is loosely attached to the plasma membrane; MTOC, when known, trilaminate. One genus, Endostelium, with several protosteloid sporocarpic species.
Endostelium, Gocevia, Paragocevia*, Pellita.