Cornutheca saccifera, from Wailes, 1913

Genus Cornutheca Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara 2016

Diagnosis: Shell elongated-pyriform, with a distinct neck, lateral margins tapering towards the aperture. Two lateral horns, pointing towards the posterior part of the test, either free or connected to the main part of the test by a lateral keel surrounding the posterior part of the test. Shell hyaline or slightly yellowish, composed of circular to elongated shell plates probably recycled from euglyphid testate amoeba prey. Differential diagnosis. Members of this genus differ from other hyalospheniid genera in the presence of two lateral horns.

Type species. Cornutheca ansata (Leidy, 1879) Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara 2016.

Included taxa. All Nebela taxa bearing two lateral horns, such as N. ansata, N. saccifera and N. hippocrepis.

Ferry Siemensma, created February 24, 2019; last modified October 15, 2024
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