Cryptodifflugia crenulata, division; right hand cell with very large crystal (Netherlands)

Cryptodiffflugia crenulata Playfair, 1917
Difflugiella crenulata in Grospietsch, 1964
Difflugiella crenulata in Schönborn, 1965

Diagnosis: shell ovoid, with truncate base, above which it is sometimes slightly constricted to form an obscure neck, end-view circular, crenelated; membrane smooth, thick, chitinous, hyaline or pale yellow, indented all over so as to appear broadly crenelated in optical section, both front and end; aperture circular, simple, slightly smaller than the base. Nucleus spherical. Cell sometimes with one or two large bipiramidal crystals.

Dimensions: Playfair length 17-20 µm, breadth 14-16 µm; other authors: shell length 15–20 μm, shell width 10–16 μm, aperture diameter 4 μm; my measurements: length 15-18 µm.

Ecology: Fresh water, submerged aquatic plants. Sphagnum mosses. Cosmopolitan. Not rare.

One long pseudopodium
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Specimen with nucleus and crystals and specimen with two crystals and a pseudopodium (Netherlands)
Cryptodifflugia screnulata
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Shell 15 µm and 18 µm, Netherlands
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
River Gard, France, 2019
Shell 30 µm, Lolo Pass USA
Cryptodifflugia crenulata
Drawing after Playfair; to the left var. globosa
Ferry Siemensma, created March 1, 2019; last modified October 29, 2024
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