Difflugia bistrica
D. bistrica, after Ogden and Zivkovic, 1983

Difflugia bistrica Ogden et Zivkovic, 1983

Diagnosis: Shell ovoid or roughly circular, thin and laterally compressed, composed of medium-sized, flattened quartz fragments interspersed with smaller particles, creating a smooth surface. Occasional small areas of organic cement are present, typically forming a network-like structure. The aperture is a regular oval, bordered by small particles.

Dimensions: Ogden and Zivkovic (1983) Shell length 104 µm; width 84 µm; thickness 54 µm; diameter of aperture 38 µm (n=1).

Habitat: Freshwater.

Remarks: This species resembles D. balcanica in both dimensions and degree of compression but differs notably by having a rounded, smooth shell that curves gently at the aboral extremity. This description is based on a single specimen.

Ferry Siemensma, created June 18, 2019; last modified November 29, 2024
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