D. stechlinensis var. arctica , from Schönborn, 1966
Difflugia stechlinensis var. arctica Schönborn, 1966
Diagnosis: Shell with almost parallel sides, dorsally broadly arched, in cross-section and pseudostome circular, hyaline, completely covered with quartz pieces.
The variety differs only in size from the type.
Dimensions: Schönborn (1966): Shell length 55-63 μm.
Habitat: Freshwater. Type and variety often appeared together in the sediments of the lakes. So far, D. stechlinensis has only been found in oligotrophic lakes. Interesting is their appearance in the tundra above the tree line.
References: Schönborn W., 1966. Untersuchungen über die Shellaceen Schwedisch-Lapplands. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik und Okologie der beschalten Rhizopoden II Limnologica. Vol.4. No.3. P.517-559.