Difflugia szczepanskii
D. szczepanskii, from Schönborn, 1965

Difflugia szczepanskii  Schönborn, 1965

Diagnosis: Shell oval, compressed, hyaline and covered with isolated quartz (xenosomes) and greenish pseudo-crystals (idiosomes). Pseudostome irregularly circular. The nucleus contains several nucleoli. The pseudopods are lobose.

Dimensions: Schönborn (1965): Shjell length 60-80 µm; width 30-35 µm; thickness 20-27 µm.

Habitat: Freshwater. The species was regularly in the oligotrophic Lake Haricza, Poland, in over 100 m depth.

References: Schönborn, W. 1965. Die sedimentbewohnenden Shellaceen einiger Masurischer Seen. Acta Protozool., 3:297-309.

Ferry Siemensma, created June 5, 2019; last modified November 30, 2024
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