Difflugia venusta
Difflugia venusta

Difflugia venusta (Penard, 1902)
Basionym: Difflugia pyriformis var. venusta Penard, 1902

Diagnosis: shell outline smooth, pyriform, with an elongated neck, sharply pointed in the aboral region; shell composed of small to large pieces of flat quartz, plus occasional diatoms.

Dimensions: Penard (1902) doesn’t give any dimensions. My measurements: about 150 um.

Habitat: Freshwater. Aquatic plants, debris.

Remarks: Penard (1902) described this species as a characteristic variety of Difflugia pyriformis. His specimens always had zoochlorellae.

Difflugia venusta
Difflugia venusta
This is the only drawing made by Penard (1902) of Difflugia venusta.
Difflugia venusta
Ferry Siemensma, created February 23, 2019; last modified November 30, 2024
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