Diplochlamys vestita
Diplochlamys vestita
From Penard, 1909

Diplochlamys vestita  Penard, 1909

Diagnosis: Shell hemispherical, but more flattened than other species, round, greyish-yellow, bilayered; inner hyaline sac enclosing the cell with flexible aperture, outer layer consists of loosely arranged organic spheres. Size c. 100 µm. Endoplasm granular, usually more than 100 vesicular nuclei, each c. 3-5 µm.

Habitat: Herbivorous, on Sphagnum, dry mosses on trees and soil.

Remarks: see Penard (1909)

Specimen probably dead, stacked images – From moss on a tree near Saarburg, Germany
Diplochlamys vestita
From Penard, 1909
Diplochlamys vestita
143 µm, Sphagnum, Sjoforsen, Norway, 2023
Diplochlamys vestita
This specimen was swollen, probably dead – From moss on a tree near Saarburg, Germany
Diplochlamys vestita
Cyst, from moss on a tree near Saarburg, Germany
Diplochlamys vestita
D. vestita, in moss on a tree, Limburg, Netherlands, 2021
Ferry Siemensma, created March 2, 2019; last modified October 30, 2024
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