
world of amoeboid organisms

Diplophrys archeri - Ferry Siemensma
Diplophrys archeri

Genus Diplophrys Barker, 1868

Diagnosis: Cell spherical or somewhat elliptical, covered with a thin, hyaline and colorless membrane; two circular pseudostomes situated at two more or less opposite poles; cytoplasm colorless, transparent, finely granulated, filling the envelope except near the two pseudostomes; a single nucleus with a nucleolus; one or more contractile vacuoles; one large, or two or three small, grayish, yellow, red or orange colored, oil-like globules present; pseudopodia extremely attenuate, in locomotive cells radiating, straight or dichotomously branched, in stationary cells curved and branched and attached to the substrate; reproduction by fission or tetrad division. Young cells frequently aggregated into colonies which form circular masses about 30-60 µm diameter or more; from the periphery of which slender pseudopodia radiate.

Dimensions: solitary cells 8-20 µm diameter, young cells in a colony 2-4 µm diameter. Ecology: solitary or in groups; on submerged plants or in debris in fresh water. Common in different types of water.

Diplophrys archeri - Ferry Siemensma
Diplophrys archeri, filopodia attached to the substrate
Diplophrys archeri - Ferry Siemensma
Diplophrys archeri, filopodia attached to the substrate
Diplophrys archeri
Diplophrys archeri, dividing
Diplophrys archeri
Diplophrys archeri, with filopodia extended along the substrate and heavily branched (Leitz 100X Phaco).
Diplophrys archeri
Diplophrys archeri - Ferry Siemensma
Diplophrys archeri
Ferry Siemensma, created March 2, 2019; last modified February 02, 2021
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