Eiffelospina turrisfenestrata (Wujek and O’Kelly, 1991) Cavalier-Smith, 2012
basionym Rabdiophrys turrisfenestrata Wujek and O’Kelly, 1991
(synonym Pinaciophora turrisfenestrata Mikrjukov, 1999).
Diagnosis: Cells covered with scales of two kinds. Plate scales elliptical or nearly so, 1.8-2.2 µm long by 1.2-1.5 µm wide, 1.4-2.0 µm2 in area. The central region of the distal scale layer with 5-8 perforations 0.10-0.16 µm in diameter; other small, irregularly spaced perforations present outside the circumference of the larger perforations. Intercalary plate scale layer visible from above as small dots, representing columnar thickenings, across the scale from the central region to inside the rim. Proximal layer with few, minute, scattered performations. Scale rim narrow, patternless. Spine scales 2.7-3.3 µm long, with a perforated, buttressed base 0.65-0.72 µm wide, a shaft 0.10-0.15 µm wide at its narrowest point, and two small teeth at the apex. A perforated ridge bisects each of the broad faces of the scale. Perforations in the ridge run from the base, reducing in number, to the apex.
Type location. Freshwater. Lake Moeraki (NZMS I-S77-045304; 43°43’S, 169°17’E), a small eutrophic lake in the South Island of New Zealand, on 28 December 1988.