Euglypha cuspidata

Euglypha cuspidata

Euglypha cuspidata  Bonnet, 1959

Diagnosis: Shell small, very transparent, ovoid, in lateral view very elliptical, with sharp edges. Pseudostome small, elliptical, surrounded by a small number of apertural plates (6-8) resembling those of E. rotunda Wailes, but with relatively long median tooth, bordered by two projections. Shell built of elliptical plates, 4×2 µm, the longitudinal row much more accentuated than the transversal one, and without any order at the fundus.

Dimensions: Bonnet (1959): Shell length 30—35 µm; width 18—22 µm; thickness 8—10 µm; pseudostome 8 × 6 µm.

Habitat: Very common species in all soils high in humic matter, in particular in brown forest soils.

Ferry Siemensma, created January 17, 2021; last modified January 08, 2025
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