
world of amoeboid organisms

Genus Euglypha Dujardin, 1841
Diagnosis: test elongate ovoid or pyriform, composed of overlapping plates, usually arranged in longitudinal rows. Aperture always with denticulate mouth plates.

Remarks: This is a simplified key with only some main types. Euglypha is a large and common genus with numerous species; many species are hard to identify and may be part of species complexes. Recently (2001) a new genus Scutiglypha has been created, but there is no unique feature that separates it clearly from Euglypha.


Fig. 1: a-c E. cristata b var. major d E. bryophila E. mucronata



Fig. 2: a E. brachiata b E. scutigera c E. acanthophora d-e E. tuberculata



Fig. 3: ad E. strigosa c var. glabra ef E. rotunda

Ferry Siemensma, created March 1, 2019; last modified January 31, 2021
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