Galeripora naiadis González-Miguéns et al., 2021
Diagnosis: Color ranges from transparent to yellow-orange. The test has a discoid, flattened shape. The edges of the test are somehow curved, giving the whole test a concave outlook, like a bowl. The aboral side of the test is flat. Building units can be partially covered with a proteinaceous matrix preventing the observation of these units. When this proteinaceous matrix is absent, small pores can be observed at the vertices of the building units, which are then located on both the aboral and oral sides. The oral side presents an aperture invaginated outwards forming a short ring or lip surrounded by many small pores. Intraspecific variability: The number of pores at the base of the test and the degree of coverage by the organic matrix can be variable. There may be certain deformations in the test that prevent it from having a perfectly circular morphology.
Dimensions: According to González-Miguéns et al. (2021): Shell diameter 139—154 μm, aperture 48—59 μm.
Habitat: Submerged vegetation, Ceratophyllum submersum, in an artificial lake.
Geographical distribution: Type locality: Bulgaria: Sofia, Sofia Southern Park (42°39’N 23°18’E).
Diagnosis with closely related species. Galeripora naiadis can be diagnosed by its specific sequences of the mtDNA markers and by its phylogenetic placement. Differs morphologically from Galeripora arenaria closely related species by (1) morphometric differences; (2) the absence of pores along the edge of the aboral side of the test; and (3) a regular and marked granulation in the top surface of the test.
References: González-Miguéns, R., Soler-Zamora, C., Villar-Depablo, M., Todorov, M., Lara, E., 2021. Multiple convergences in the evolutionary history of the testate amoeba family Arcellidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Sphaerothecina): when the ecology rules the morphology. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society zlab074. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab074