
world of amoeboid organisms

Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta, note the two opposite poles from which the filopodia extend.

Genus Elaeorhanis Greeff, 1873

Synonym: Lithosphaerella Frenzel, 1897; Estrella Frenzel, 1897.
Diagnosis: Heliozoon-like amoebae surrounded by a mucus sheath, which includes also sand grains and diatom
shells. Filopodia often branching. Nucleus vesicular.

Elaeorhanis cincta Greeff, 1873

Diagnosis: Cell body 14-17 (26) µm in diameter, surrounded by mucus sheath about a half as thick as the diameter of the body. One or several contractile vacuoles. Pennate diatom frustules in the mucus sheath.

Ecology: Cosmopolitan in fresh waters.

Remarks: I don’t agree with Mikrjukov (1999) who sees no relationship between Diplophrys archeri and this amoeboid. I’ve seen many specimens of Diplophrys archeri with and without covering, all in the same sample and in the same wet mount. In my opinion Elaeorhanis is a Diplophrys.

Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta, nucleus clearly visible; the filopodia radiate from two opposite poles which are not visible here.
Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta, after division? (the Netherlands)
Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta
Elaeorhanis cincta
Ferry Siemensma, created March 1, 2019; last modified February 01, 2021
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