
world of amoeboid organisms

Hyalospenia subflava
H. subflava, 64 µm, Fochteloërveen, the Netherlands

Hyalosphenia subflava Cash and Hopkinson, 1909

Diagnosis: Shell ovoid, smooth, yellowish, chitinous, compressed, without any structure; aperture with a thickened border.

Dimensions: My measurements 41-110 µm long.

Ecology: Sphagnum and other mosses.

Hyalosphenia subflava
H. subflava, 41-84 µm long, all from the same sample (Indonesia, collected by Valentyna Krashevska)
Hyalosphenia subflava
H. subflava, 53 um – small forest pond with Sphagnum
Hyalosphenia subflava
H. subflava, 68 um, peatbog
Hyalosphenia subflava
H. subflava, 53 µm
Ferry Siemensma, created February 24, 2019; last modified February 13, 2023
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