After Bobrov, 2016

Meisterfeldia chibisovi Bobrov, 2016

Diagnosis: Shell small, bilaterally symmetrical, elongated-ovate, almost not compressed, colorless to light-brown. Dorsal part convex, posterior end evenly curved, anterior end with aperture curved towards ventral side. Aperture circular, subterminal, shifted to ventral side. Aperture, unlike that in Wailesella eboracensis, situated at the end of a short neck. Shell surface smooth, without mineral inclusions. Nuclei have been detected in several specimens.

Dimensions: Shell length 9.50–10.75 μm; shell breadth 4.5–5.5 μm; shell depth 4.5–5.5 μm; axis of aperture 2.25–3.00 μm.

Habitat: This species, as well as the following species, represent a rare component of the community inhabited the Sphagnum layer of tundra soil. Low occurrence and abundance along with the tiny size normally complicate detection of these organisms in the samples.

Ferry Siemensma, created March 2, 2019; last modified October 16, 2024
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