Meisterfeldia wegeneri Bobrov, 2016
Diagnosis: Shell small, bilaterally symmetrical, ovate, rather wide in plane, flattened, colorless, transparent. Dorsal side convex, posterior end shifted to ventral side. Aperture elliptical, subterminal, anterior end with the aperture curved towards ventral side. Shell surface smooth, without mineral inclusions (Figs 4, 5).
Dimensions: Shell length 6.00–10.50 μm; shell breadth 4.00–7.75 μm; shell depth 4.00–5.00 μm; axis of aperture 3.25–4.25 μm.
Habitat: Tundra, Biotope: Sphagnum, peat tussock.
Remarks: This species differs from Meisterfeldia chibisovi in the elliptical shape of pseudostome, in a wider shell (the length/width ratio is 1.98 in M. chibisovi and 2.47 in M. wegeneri), in the lateral compression (1.02 in M. chibisovi and 1.51 in M. wegeneri), and in the absence of pseudostomal neck.