Protocucurbitella longicornis Zivkovic 1975
=Netzelia corona!
Diagnosis: Shell in lateral view spherical or ovoid, with 1-2 long and hollow horns, which are placed either in the center of the fundus, or on the flanks. Collar well marked and separated from the flanks. Shell in cross section in apical view circular. Aperture circular, surrounded by large teeth, between the diaphragm is visible. Shell not transparent, covered by different mineral particles. No living cells observed. By the shape of the test, its size and the position of the horns it looks most like Difflugia duplicata (Daday). The differences are: the clearly separated collar, the serrated pseudostome and the diaphragm which is clearly visible between the teeth.
Dimensions: Height with horns 200-228 μm, without horns 150-168 μm, diameter 130-140 μm, pseudostome 50-70 μm, horns 50-70 μm, H/D 1.0-1.3
Habitat: P. longicornis was found in a marsh, on the edge of Sphagnum peat which is covered by a vegetation consisting of submerged plants and submerged plants (Carex, Utricularia and the others), in community with the species of the genera: Cucurbitella, Difflugia, Centropyxis, Arcella and others.
Europe, Serbia, Vlasina (1100 above sea level)