Pseudodifflugia spec.
Pseudodifflugia spec.

Pseudodifflugia spec.

Diagnosis: Shell spherical to broadly ovoid, in diameter circular, organic and densely agglutinated with small mineral particles; aperture relatively large; nucleus hard to detect. Filopodia long, branching and sometimes anastomosing, with veils between the base of filopodia.

Dimensions: Length c. 50 µm, breadth c. 38 µm, aperture c. 17 µm (n=1).

Habitat: shallow mesotrophic freshwater pond, Crailoo, the Netherlands.

Spherical shell with relatively large aperture.
Filopodia, with veils between filopodia.
Filopodia, branching and occasionally anastomosing
Ferry Siemensma, created March 3, 2019; last modified October 16, 2024
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