Genus Sapocribrum, Lahr et al, 2014
Diagnosis: Amoebae circular in outline to angular-elongated, typically with one to a few largely anterior pseudopodia, covered in microscales.
Type species. Sapocribrum chincoteaguense n. sp. (Monotypy)

Sapocribrum chincoteaguense Lahr et al, 2014
Diagnosis: Amoeba with characters of the genus, less than 5 µm (more usually 3-4 µm), with typical locomotive angular form that moves infrequently, and when sedentary emits only one to a few long filose pseudopods at a time. Pseudopods may bifurcate. Pseudopods 4.42 0.28 µm, varying from 2.5 to 9 µm. During brief periods of locomotion, the body remains contracted and angular in shape moving in a meandering path in the direction of the extended adhesive pseudopodia, that appear to adhere to the substratum and pull the amoeba forward. Surface contains microscales (~150 X 100 nm in mean length and width, respectively).
Habitat: bottom sediments, marine
Literature: Lahr et al, 2014