Schwabia spec.
Schwabia spec., with small aperture

Schwabia sp.

Diagnosis: shell chitinoid, yellow to brownish, broad elliptical, not compressed, covered with minute particles; aperture relatively small, irregular; nucleus very large, granular; filopodia long and straight, branching, sometimes anastomosing.

Dimensions: My measurements: c. 57 µm long.

Habitat: Sphagnum, Haaksbergerveen, the Netherlands.

Remarks: I found this species once; it is remarkable because of the small aperture, which resembles those found with Rhizaspis and Lecythium.

Schwabia spec.
Schwabia spec., with large nucleus visible. Aperture to the left.
Schwabia spec.
Ferry Siemensma, created February 28, 2019; last modified October 16, 2024
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