Sphenoderia tracheleuglyphoides Chardez, 1980
Diagnosis: Shell slightly compressed, tracheleuglyphoid and hyaline, regularly arched sides, structure made up of small circular scales regularly imbricated by superposition of the edges. The very slightly oval pseudosome is bordered by a thin, yellowish chitinoid lip with an irregularly jagged edge.
Dimensions: Length 29-39 µm; width 15-20 µm, thick 10-15 µm; scales 4-5 µm.
Habitat: Freshwater.
Remarks: Chardez (1980): “The presence of a chitinoid lip at the pseudostome and especially the compression of the test prevent us from classifying this new species in the genus Tracheleuglypha; as for the non-linear character of the pseudostome, it prevents us from identifying it with any of the Sphenoderia species described.”