Haplomyxa retiforma
Main cell body Haplomyxa retiforma Siemensma and Holzmann, 2023 Diagnosis: Naked multinucleated cell without distinct shape. The
Main cell body Haplomyxa retiforma Siemensma and Holzmann, 2023 Diagnosis: Naked multinucleated cell without distinct shape. The
Fig. 1: Main cell body of specimen A, partly hidden by debris Haplomyxa sp. Three specimens were
Main cell body Haplomyxa spec. Description. The cell has a central body from which numerous granuloreticulopodia emerge.
Main cell body Reticulomyxa sp.? I found this large naked amoeboid when it was crawling out of
Dracomyxa spec. main cell body with plasma strands Dracomyxa sp. This specimen was sampled in organic sediment
Hyalodiscus spec. Hyalodiscus spec. I found this Hyalodiscus species in a sample from a small freshwater dune
Specimen with longitudinal folds. Fisculla terrestris (Dumack, Müller et Bonkowski, 2016) comb. nov. Diagnosis. Colorless, testate amoebae. Shell round
Dracomyxa spec. main cell body with plasma strands Dracomyxa sp. This specimen was observed in wet Sphagnum