Valkanovia compacta
V. compacta, after Schönborn, 1964

Valkanovia compacta Schönborn, 1964

Diagnosis: Shell squat and only slightly compressed, hyaline, with idiosomes. These scales are large, round to slightly oval and overlapping in a hexagonal pattern. The number of scales is small, in the longitudinal row 3-4, in the transverse row 3-4. The pseudostome is almost round, seldom somewhat elliptical, but always regular. The scales extend to the smooth edge of the pseudostome. The shape of the shell is comparable to that of Paraquadrula globulosa. The nucleus has an eccentrically located nucleolus. Pseudopodia were not observed.

Dimensions: Length 34.0-40.8 μm; width 27.2 μm; thickness 20.4-21.0 μm.

Habitat: Isolated from the soil of a beech forest. Europe.

Ferry Siemensma, created August 21, 2023; last modified October 16, 2024
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