A. denticulata , from Chattopadhyay and Das, 2003
Argynnia denticulata (Chattopadhyay et Das, 2003)
Nebela denticulata Chattopadhyay et Das, 2003
Diagnosis. Shell oval or ovoid in broad view, with rounded posterior end, flanks symmetrically converging towards aperture, without any neck, test oblong in lateral view, aperture oval, bordered by irregularly arranged large dentate platelets, walls of the test composed of transparent, rectangular, polygonal platelets, mixed with angular plates or rods while border (flanks) of the test covered with closely set rectangular platelets, giving it slightly dark appearance.
Dimensions. According to Chattopadhyay and Das (2003): Shell length 94—100 µm; width 56—63 µm.
Ecology. Rock moss at 914 m and at about 2500 m a.s.l.
Distribution. India.