Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum

Ciliophrys infusionum Cienkowski, 1876

Diagnosis. Cell spherical, with numerous axopodia which are connected to the surface of the central nucleus; cell in heliozoan stage closely attached to the substrate by a short stalk from its posterior end; one single apical cilium usually immotile or moving slowly in a figure 8 or S configuration; swimming stage with resorbed axopodia and the cilium pointing forward; swimming cells often ovate to spindle shaped.
The short stalk attaching the cell to the substrate is not easily seen with the light microscope. Cell division occurs in the heliozoan stage, often with a contraction of the axopods.

Dimensions. cells about 7-19 µm.

Ecology. Fresh water, but also reported from marine habitats. Sometimes very common in more eutrophic environment.

Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum a cilia; b capturing a bacterium
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum, cilium – Spiegelplas, The Netherlands
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum, with typical 8-shaped cilium – Leitz 100X Phaco.
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum, transition to ciliate stage.
Ciliophrys infusionum
A bacterium has been catched in a vacuole.
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum. a-c Heliozoan form; c with some bacteria; d swarmer; e-i after Cienkowski (from Siemensma, 1991)
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum, capturing a bacterium with a bag like pseudopodium.
Ciliophrys infusionum
Both specimens from the same culture, in the same wet mount, varying in size from 7 to 19 µm.
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ciliophrys infusionum, each cell 18 µm
Ciliophrys infusionum
Ferry Siemensma, created March 2, 2019; last modified October 15, 2024
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