
world of amoeboid organisms

Key to the Nebela collaris-tincta group

1Test wider than long2
Test longer than wide3
2L. 72–111 µm, B. 90–133 µm, strongly flattened, with short neckN. flabellulum
Smaller species, L. 60  µm, B. 70  µm, compressed, without neckN. acolla
3Test > 100 µm4
Test < 100 µm6
4Test compressed5
Test not compressedN. golemanskyi
5Test with lateral ridge, wide ovoid, with wide linear aperture 24–27 µmN. aliciae
Test without lateral ridge, pyriform, with very short (2.7 ± 0.9  µm high or almost absent) neck, with aperture slightly or strongly curved, or sometimes linear, 28–32 µmN. bohemica

N. collaris

6With protruding neck and narrow aperture 19–23 µm, up twisted7
With short neck (4.6 ± 0.2 high), with linear wide aperture 24–26 µm9
7Aperture  curved 8
Aperture not curvedN. pechorensis
8L. 80–89  µm, B. 53–65 µmN. guttata
L. 67–78  µm, B. 50–62 µmN. gimlii
9Test ovoid or elongated elliptic, L/B = 1.3–1.4N. tincta
Test rounded, L/B = 1.2–1.3N. rotunda

Modified after Kosakyan et al., 2012

Ferry Siemensma, created February 13, 2022; last modified February 16, 2022
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