Hartmannella sp.
Hartmannella sp., Bert Bospad

Genus Hartmannella Alexeieff, 1912, emend. Page, 1974

Diagnosis: Locomotive form monopodial with a prominent anterior hyaline zone. Locomotion steady, non-eruptive. Cytoplasm without prominent cytoplasmic crystals but frequently with many small crystals. Often with a contractile vacuole. Forms round, or slightly oval, smooth bilaminar cysts.
Ultrastructure: Glycocalyx thin, some with cup-like surface structures, around 12.5 µm in diameter. Mitochondria, of those species examined, sometimes elongate.
Type species. Hartmannella hyalina (Dangeard, 1900)

Habitat. widely distributed in freshwater, also marine species.

Remarks: Distinguish from other limax amoebae of the class Heterolobosea, and families Leptomyxidae and Amoebidae by comparing features of the groupings. Many inadequately described species in this genus including type species.

Ferry Siemensma, created February 27, 2019; last modified October 16, 2024
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