
world of amoeboid organisms

Family Microchlamyiidae Ogden, 1985

Diagnosis: Lobose testate amoebae with flexible shell composed of granular chitinoid elements (areoles), pseudostome pliable and variable.


Genus Microchlamys
Diagnosis: Cell enclosed within a membranous sac which is fixed to the shell at intervals, but lost in empty shells. This membrane closes the shell from the ventral side and forms an aperture for the lobopodia.

Genus Spumochlamys
Diagnosis: Cell not enclosed within a membrane, but the ventral side is closed by a membrane, which forms an aperture for the lobopodia.

Genus Pyxidicula
Diagnosis: Test with alveolar structure and wide pseudostome.

Ferry Siemensma, created March 2, 2019; last modified September 30, 2023
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