
world of amoeboid organisms

Spumochlamys iliensis
Spumochlamys iliensis
Spumochlamys illiensis, shell 51 µm in diameter

Genus Spumochlamys Kudryavtsev and Hausmann, 2007

Diagnosis: test organic, clear, yellow to brown, dish-shaped, very flexible, with a spongious dorsal part, which becomes thinner towards the margin and ends in a delicate membrane that partially covers the cytoplasm on the ventral side, leaving an aperture through which some cytoplasm can extend.

Remarks: Spumochlamys iliensis is very similar to Microchlamys patella, but differs from this species in the absence of an additional membrane separating the cell body from the test. This feature can only be detected using electron microscopy, which means that it is impossible to identify these species with certainty ultramicroscopically. Only using TEM makes it possible to distinguish whether an amoeba should belong to Microchlamys or to Spumochlamys. However, it might be possible that the structure of Microchlamys is visible light microscopically and the structure of Spumochlamys not.

Ferry Siemensma, created February 27, 2019; last modified February 05, 2021
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