
world of amoeboid organisms

Galeripora dentata
Galeripora dentata

Galeripora dentata  (Ehrenberg, 1830)  n. comb.
Basionym: Arcella dentata Ehrenberg, 1830
Synonyms: Arcellina dentata Carter, 1856
Arcella heterocosmia stellata Ehrenberg, 1871
Arcella homocochlamys dentata Ehrenberg, 1871
Arcella okeni Perty, 1852
Arcella stellaris Perty, 1849
Arcella sticholepis stellaris Ehrenberg, 1871
Arcella stellata Ehrenberg, 1854
Arcella dentata var. cashiana Deflandre, 1928
Arcella dentata var. trapezica Deflandre, 1928

Diagnosis: Test circular and dentate in front view, crown-like in profile; diameter more than twice the height; aperture circular, large; colorless to brown; fifteen to seventeen spines; with teeth or dentate border. The ventral side, turned to the substratum, resembles an inverted funnel, with a circular aperture in the centre. The opposite, dorsal side is dish-shaped with flattened vertex, and bears 7-20 spines or ridges; the spines are bent dorsally and more or less evenly spaced around the circumference in a single row. Usually with pores surrounding the aperture.

Dimensions: In literature about 95 µm in diameter, aperture 30 µm in diameter. Diameter with the spines 123-184 µm. The shell of G. dentata is about 120 µm in diameter (107-133 µm, n=25) and about 50 µm in height (41-58 µm, n=25).

Ecology: Bogs and swamps, Sphagnum.

Galeripora dentata
Galeripora dentata
Galeripora dentata
Galeripora dentata
Ferry Siemensma, created February 19, 2019; last modified December 14, 2021
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