
world of amoeboid organisms

Centropyxis grelli
Centropyxis grelli, after Laminger, 1973

Centropyxis grelli  Laminger, 1973

Diagnosis: Shell covered with relatively large mineral particles. The pseudostome outline is formed by two convex arches. The upper broad pseudostomal edge is clearly separated from the spherical fundus. The fundus usually has several spines of different lengths. In side view the anterior part is more or less high bulging and with a sharply indented saddle dent.

Dimensions: Length 76 µm, width 65 µm, pseudostome 39 µm, processes 10-23 µm.

Ecology: Freshwater sediment, Mexico.

Ferry Siemensma, created January 22, 2022; last modified January 23, 2022
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