Centropyxis grandis
C. grandis, Japan, 2024

Centropyxis grandis (Deflandre, 1929)
Basionym: Centropyxis aculeata var. grandis Deflandre, 1929

Diagnosis: Shell neatly circular, with a relatively small rounded aperture. Broad ventral area around the aperture is smooth, without embedded particles.

Dimensions: Deflandre (1929): 150-180 µm (without spines). My measurements: 121-139 µm (measured without spines, n=6)

Habitat: Freshwater.

Centropyxis grandis
Centropyxis aculeata, 88 µm and 89 µm
Centropyxis grandis
Centropyxis grandis, after Deflandre, 1929
Ferry Siemensma, created October 19, 2024; last modified October 29, 2024
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