Centropyxis pseudodeflandriana
Centropyxis pseudodeflandriana, after Bonnet and Gomez-Sanchez, 1984

Centropyxis pseudodeflandriana  Bonnet et Gomez-Sanchez, 1984

Diagnosis: Shell ovoid, yellowish or brownish, with plagiostome, with a sub-circular cross-section. Sole very reduced, limited by the dorsal lip of the visor and by the anterior ventral part of the rumen. In ventral view, low visor, with dorsal lip in an elliptical arc. Ventral lip slightly folded inwards. Opening of the visor of semi-lunar shape, more or less hidden by the ventral-anterior part of the rumen, strongly domed. In dorsal view, a clear suture between rumen and visor. In lateral view, the visor appears to be incorporated into the rumen (as if telescoped into it). At the suture, a thickening of the shell wall. Between the belly and the visor, a semi-elliptical pseudostome is located against the dorsal wall. Shell covered with small, regular siliceous elements, without asperities, very reminiscent of the appearance of Pseudawerintzewia calcicuola, a species with which C. pseudodeflandriana can be confused when the oral region is not visible.

Dimensions: According to Bonnet and Gomez-Sanchez (1984): Shell length 65—86 µm, width 52—59 µm, height (dorso-ventral) 49—56 µm, aperture 18—34 µm.

Habitat: In soil, humus.

Geographical distribution: France and Spain. Rare.

Ferry Siemensma, created August 28, 2024; last modified January 14, 2025
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